Online Introduction to Insight Dialogue

With Riët Aarsse and Juliane Dienemann

October 23 - December 11, 2020

Date and Time Details: Eight consecutive Fridays beginning Oct 23 and ending Dec 11 from 9 am-10:30 am CEST. This time would accommodate European, Asian and Australian time zones.
Find your time.

Location: Online via Zoom

Contact: Riët Aarsse

Dana: We invite participants in this circle of generosity to offer dana (freewill donation) to support the facilitators and the teachings. This can be done with Paypal or Transferwise, and by bank transfer via your IBAN for Europeans. Details will be sent to you in the preparation email.

There is no set cost for this offering. We invite participants in this circle of generosity to offer dana (freewill donation) to support the facilitators and the teachings. This can be done with Paypal or Transferwise, and by bank transfer via your IBAN for Europeans. Details will be sent to you in the preparation email.

The Online Introduction to Insight Dialogue is an eight-week offering that covers the six Insight Dialogue guidelines using Dhamma teachings as a contemplative frame. The program focuses on the core elements of this relational Dhamma practice. We will meet for eight consecutive weeks via Zoom for 90 minutes. Each session will include time for meditation, instructions on how to practice with individual guidelines and dyad practice. What is offered will be informed by the Three Bases of Insight Dialogue: the earliest Buddhist teachings, meditative qualities, and relationality.

Some prior meditation experience is required for participation. This can include, for example, individual contemplative practice or prior experience in mindfulness-based courses.

This course will be limited to 22 participants.  Before registering, please make sure you can commit to at least 7 out of the 8 sessions, so that we can build a strong and consistent container for sharing practice.

If you have questions please contact Riët  at or Juliane at

About the Leader

Riët Aarsse

Riët Aarsse, whose practice is rooted in the classic vipassana school, encountered Insight Dialogue in 2012. Being a research psychologist and long-term student of the Abhidhamma expert Sayadaw dr. Nandamala, Riët tries to integrate Buddhist and western psychological understandings. She initiated Amsterdam Insight Meditation where she teaches courses and offers Insight Dialogue. Riët mentors several […]

Learn more about Riët Aarsse

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