Monday: London, England, and Beyond
With Emma Donaldson-Feilder and Rosalie Dores
Our Insight Dialogue group currently meets via Zoom every three to four weeks on a Monday evening (UK time). We also run occasional day-long and weekend retreats in person in London.
Amsterdam, Netherlands
The groups meets bi-weekly on Friday evening from 7:30-9:30 pm. Each evening has a theme and we follow the eightfold path in many aspects to support our practise in daily life.
Den Bosch, Netherlands
For information, please contact Chris van der Velden via Or visit the Vipassanameditatie Den Bosch website:
Groningen, Netherlands
The group meets every month, typically on Monday evening from 19:30 – 21:45. Insight Dialogue practice is facilitated by Marieke Duijvestijn.
Leiden, Netherlands
The group meets from 7.30 – 9.30 am, typically on the first Monday of the month. Insight Dialogue practise is facilitated by Nynke Humalda.
Nijmegen, Netherlands
This is a peer-led Insight Dialogue group. We meet on Monday evenings every fortnight in the home of a group member.
Utrecht, Netherlands
The group meets every three weeks on Tuesdays from 19:30 – 21:30. Insight Dialogue practice is facilitated by the group members.
New York, New York, USA - In person/Online
The peer led group meets the first and third Friday of each month from 10 am–12 pm US eastern time. Facilitation is shared. New members are welcome.
Cascadia Community Online Sangha
Our Insight Dialogue sangha meets from 7:00 – 9:30 pm on the second Monday each month. We usually have two peer facilitators guiding each evening.
Monday Weekly Drop-in Sessions
With Sue Brown, Michael Wilder, Patricia Fontaine and Susie Clarion
Drop-in sessions are Monday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm Americas eastern time. These sessions are open to anyone with prior silent meditation practice experience and prior Insight Dialogue practice experience (e.g., participation in an Insight Dialogue retreat or introductory Insight Dialogue course). You may join this drop-in group once, occasionally, or every week, it's up to you.
Berlin-Kreuzberg, Germany
The group meets once a month, Saturdays from 15:00 – 18:00. A group of experienced practitioners share responsibility for facilitating.
Thursday Weekly Drop-in Sessions
With Dave Leggatt, Angela Spaxman and Genevieve Heng
assisted by Qingqing Wang, Gen Heng, and Angela Spaxman. Drop-in sessions are Thursdays from 7:00-8:30 pm ET. Drop-in sessions are open to anyone with some experience in a contemplative practice and familiarity with Insight Dialogue through reading or practice. You may join once or every week; it's up to you.
Vienna, Austria - Saturday
With Harald Reiter
This group meets Saturday every second month, 9 am to 5 pm in Vienna, Austria and is facilitated by Harald Reiter.
New Castle, NSW, Australia
The Newcastle Insight Dialogue Group meets fortnightly during the year, except from late December to end of January.
Bern & Fribourg, Switzerland
The group meets monthly for two hours. Fribourg session is in French; the Bern session in English. Participants can practice in German. Possibility for other locations.
Wednesday: 八正道-慧談線上修習
With Jessica Mui
This online drop-in group meets weekly on Wednesday, 8-9:30 pm Chinese standard time/ 8-9:30 am Americas eastern time. Practice in Mandarin and Cantonese is facilitated by Jessica Mui. Organized by Hong Kong Insight.
Friday, 2nd and 4th, Practice Group
With Anita Bermont, Marsha Lawson and Deborah Ennis
This drop-in practice session meets the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month from 11:00 am-12:30 pm Americas Eastern Time. It is open to anyone with some experience in a contemplative practice and familiarity with Insight Dialogue through reading or practice.
Thursday Weekly Practice Group
With Mary Burns
Two Thursday practice sessions are available, from 6:00 am-7:30 am Americas eastern time and 9:00 am - 10:30 am Americas eastern time. These are for experienced Insight Dialogue practitioners.
Wednesday Weekly Practice Group
With Jane Cutler
Saturday (First) Monthly Practice Group, RiverRun Insight Dialogue
With Jaylene Summers
Tuesday/ Dienstag (Jeden 2 und 4 im Monat)
With Bhikkhu Sukhacitto and Harald Tichy
Mit Bhante Sukhacitto, Renate Löseke, Harald Tichy
Friday, Monthly Insight Dialogue Practice in Dutch
With Riët Aarsse, Marieke Duijvestijn, Nynke Humalda and Simin Abravesh
A monthly practice with the Dutch Insight Dialogue Practice group. Every 2nd Friday morning of each month at 9.00-11.00 am CEST of each month (7.30-9.00 pm CEST) you are welcome for online ID practice. The sessions will be guided by Riët Aarsse, Simin Abravesh, Joyce Curnan, Marieke Duijvestijn, Nynke Humalda . Please register via this […]
Sunday Weekly Drop-in Sessions
With Dave Leggatt
Drop-in sessions are Sundays from 10:30 am-12:00 pm Americas Eastern Time. Drop-in sessions are open to anyone with some experience in a contemplative practice and familiarity with Insight Dialogue through reading or practice. You may join once or every week; it's up to you.
Thursday/ Jeudi: Groupe mensuel de pratique de Dialogue Conscient en français
With Sandrine Rauter and Alex Castanheira
Friday, first: Dhamma Contemplation
With Jessica Mui, Nolitha Tsengiwe, Rachel Hammerman and Yenkuei Chuang
Thursday Bi-Weekly Practice
With Angela Spaxman and Genevieve Heng
Thursday, third: Dharma Contemplation
With Janet Surrey and Marsha Lawson
Jan Surrey and Marsha Lawson offer a Dharma Contemplation relational practice on third Thursdays from 7:15 - 8:45 pm Americas Eastern Time (Boston). The practice of Dharma Contemplation provides would-be readers of the Buddhist suttas with an accessible doorway into this rich vein of wisdom through relational practice with these wisdom texts. For more information […]
Saturday, third: Dhamma Contemplation
With Jessica Mui, Nolitha Tsengiwe, Rachel Hammerman and Yenkuei Chuang
Saturday, monthly, Queer Insight Dialogue Sangha
With Elizabeth Faria, Patricia Fontaine and Rachel Hammerman
The Queer Insight Dialogue (ID) Sangha is a two hour drop-in online practice group for LGBTQIA+ identifying relational dharma practitioners around the world to share practice, experience, support, learnings, and care. In addition to holding affinity space for practice, over time the Queer ID Sangha will also offer learning opportunities to the broader Insight Dialogue […]
Sunday/ Los últimos domingo del mes: Sesión mensual de la práctica de Diálogo Consciente
With Beatriz Rodriguez Vega, Sandra Ramos Amézquita, Adriana Orellana de Rickebusch, Ayya Anopama and Fabiana Gomes
Sesión mensual de la práctica de| Zoom | En español | 90 minutos Esta sesión es una oportunidad para practicar dialogo consciente en español para todas las personas con una práctica de meditación individual habitual y que hayan realizado alguna introducción al Dialogo Consciente Cada sesión es una práctica que aspira a profundizar en la […]
Lausanne, Switzerland
With Anne Michel and Adriana Orellana de Rickebusch
Ce cours s’adresse à toutes les personnes intéressées par la pratique du Dialogue Conscient, avec ou sans expérience de méditation. La pratique de Dialogue Conscient offre la possibilité de cultiver les qualités méditatives que nous travaillons habituellement dans la méditation en silence, mais dans l’échange avec une ou plusieurs personnes. Souvent, une grande source de stress vient de nos relations avec […]
London, England, and Beyond
With Emma Donaldson-Feilder
Our Insight Dialogue group currently meets via Zoom every three to four weeks on a Monday evening (UK time). We also run occasional day-long and weekend retreats in person in London.
Wednesday: Insight Dialogue Asia Pacific (IDAP)
With Anita Bermont, Elizabeth Faria and Jill Shepherd
Insight Dialogue Asia Pacific offers an online study and practice series which meets twice a month on Wednesday morning (Asia/Aust/NZ) or Tuesday afternoon (Americas). This group is based in Australia. Indriya Series In Buddhist practice, the five spiritual faculties known as the Indriya: confidence, energy, mindfulness, collectedness, and insight - are natural qualities of the […]
Insight Dialogue Sangha for BIPOC/BAME/Global Majority
With Nolitha Tsengiwe, Yenkuei Chuang and Brent Beresford
Please join us on select Mondays to cultivate a space to learn, share, and deepen in this relational practice of meditation. This is a group meant for people who self-identify as BIPOC/BAME/Global Majority. Together we will explore the teachings of the Buddha using Insight Dialogue guidelines. We will cultivate internal and interpersonal awareness, wisdom, care, and resilience to meet the challenges of our lives.…]
Thursday/ Jeudi: Groupe de Pratique du Dialogue Conscient
With Adriana Orellana de Rickebusch, Alex Castanheira, Brent Beresford, Sandrine Rauter, Stéphane Benoist and Viveka Bhikkhu
Tuesdays, 2nd and 4th monthly: Cammeraygal Insight Dialogue Sangha
With Fabiana Gomes
Virtual Dhamma Hall
“Here, gone to the forest, or to the root of a tree, or to an empty hut, they sit down; having folded their legs crosswise, set their body erect, and establish mindfulness in front of them, mindful they breathe in, mindful they breathe out.” (Satipatthana, using the gender expansive pronoun they) This virtual Dhamma Hall […]
Thursdays: Gota do Dhamma - Dhamma Drop
With Fabiana Gomes
The Gota do Dharma, Dhamma Drop, was created in 2020, during the pandemic, and has become a community of practitioners committed to self-development through practice and growth within a community. It fosters mutual support and the building of trusting connections that allow us to experientially learn the teachings of the Buddha. We meet weekly to […]
Vienna, Austria - Tuesday
The group meets on the first Tuesday of each month from 18:30 – 21:00 and is led by Interpersonal-Mindfulness Teacher, Thomas Zaussinger.
Berlin, Germany
The group meets once a month on Third Thursday, 7:30 – 9:30 pm. Both, experienced practitioners as well as individuals with a meditation practice who are new to Insight Dialogue are welcome.
Evanston, Illinois, USA
The group meets the second Wednesday of the month September through May. Doors open 6:00 pm, silent sit at 6:30 pm, Insight Dialogue practice from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Dharma Contemplation Online Practice Group
Dhamma Contemplation Peer Group in English Language with the support of Tilorien Monastery from Belgium.
Insight Dialogue Practice Group
This group meets one Saturday and one Sunday a month at a time convenient for those in North America and Europe.
Sunday Sangha - Wisdom in Practice: Insight Dialogue Guidelines and Dhamma
Art & Soul: Mudita
With Anita Bermont
Introduction to Insight Dialogue: “Pause and Relax"
With Yenkuei Chuang
We human beings are intrinsically relational and individual at the same time. How we relate to this paradox lies at the core of our dhamma practice towards freedom and love. Insight Dialogue is an interpersonal meditation practice based on bhavana (meditation), panna (wisdom), and sangha (relationality). It utilizes six guidelines: Pause, Relax, Open, Attune to […]
Caring for the World Together 慧谈静修营 – 携手关爱世界
With Jessica Mui, Elizabeth Faria and Dave Leggatt
Introduction to Insight Dialogue: “Pause and Relax"
With Yenkuei Chuang
Art & Soul: Equanimity - Brahma Vihara
With Marsha Lawson and Yenkuei Chuang
The Path Of Spiritual Friendship
With Elizabeth Faria, Dave Leggatt and Nolitha Tsengiwe
The stresses of this uncertain world distort the mind's perceptions and shape our relationships with loved ones, nature, and ourselves. When we practice Insight Dialogue, we bring the stillness and insight of meditation into the rich, dynamic realm of human interaction. With the support of a partner, we uncover profound truths about ourselves, our patterns, […]
Insight Dialogue y Dhamma relacional/ Insight Dialogue and Relational Dhamma
With Gregory Kramer
Los seres humanos somos criaturas profundamente relacionales. Evolucionamos de esa manera. Cuando llevamos esta comprensión a las enseñanzas de Buda, somos ricamente recompensados. Aplicando la sabiduría sobre el sufrimiento y la libertad a nuestras relaciones, descubrimos un camino que es a la vez totalmente individual y totalmente relacional. Sufrimiento individual y sufrimiento en las relaciones. […]
Beyond the Mask: An Insight Dialogue-based Deconstruction of Dominant Masculinity
With Brent Beresford and Alex Castanheira
Like us, you may have noticed how our gender conditioning can cause harmful consequences, how inhabiting masculinity in different ways brings discomfort, and how there is freedom that is available in a masculinity unhinged from its dominant characteristics. These, and many other shared experiences of our masculine conditioning, will be the base for our shared […]
Cascadia Insight Dialogue Retreat
With Gregory Kramer, Mary Burns, Nicola Redfern and Sandra Ramos Amézquita
Releasing the Views that Bind Us The Cascadia Insight Dialogue Retreat offers a rare opportunity to explore a range of different approaches to finding freedom, using the Insight Dialogue meditation practice to draw together wisdom from both the Insight and Zen traditions. We will explore one of the key obstacles to finding freedom: the ways […]
Art & Soul: Mother's Day
With Janet Surrey
Truth Here and Now
With Ayya Anopama
Two-day Insight Dialogue workshop
With Elizabeth Faria and Jill Shepherd
The only constant is change ... But even in the midst of life’s uncertainties, it IS possible to find a sense of stability and refuge. All of the Buddha’s teachings show us how to cultivate resilience, so that we can navigate life’s inevitable ups and downs with some degree of balance, steadiness, ease and equanimity. […]
Awakening in These Times: The Power of Community, Dharma & Wise Hope
With Rosalie Dores
'A Life Well Lived' - A series of Dialogue Retreat Days
With Rosalie Dores
The Buddha’s teachings offer practical guidance on how to actively cultivate a life that leads towards greater freedom, wellbeing and happiness for ourselves and others. In this series of three daylong retreats, we will take time in silence and relational meditation (Insight Dialogue*) to investigate the role that Sila (ethics), Samadhi (absorption) and Panna (wisdom) play in […]
Opening the heart, freeing the mind: An Insight Dialogue Retreat
With Phyllis K. Hicks and Joyce Curnan
Join us for this relational meditation retreat. When we open to the immediacy of our experience, we have supportive conditions for seeing clearly, for loosening identification, and for transforming tension and reactivity into understanding. As we cultivate meditative qualities together, the heart releases into connection. We discover suffering and the end of suffering.[…]
Living Dharma
With Rosalie Dores and Ayya Anopama
As human beings subject to birth, ageing, sickness and death, how can we live in a way that leads to happiness? In response to this human predicament, the Buddha taught a path leading to freedom: a Dharma that is ‘apparent’ and accessible in the ‘here and now’ of our everyday lives, and that each of […]
Awakening Together: An Insight Dialogue BIPOC Retreat
With Tuere Sala and Peace Twesigye
Insight Dialogue: A Relational Meditation Retreat
With Rosalie Dores
'A Life Well Lived' - A series of Dialogue Retreat Days
With Rosalie Dores
The Buddha’s teachings offer practical guidance on how to actively cultivate a life that leads towards greater freedom, wellbeing and happiness for ourselves and others. In this series of three daylong retreats, we will take time in silence and relational meditation (Insight Dialogue*) to investigate the role that Sila (ethics), Samadhi (absorption) and Panna (wisdom) play in […]
Gemeinsam erwachen - ein Vipassana-Meditationsretreat mit Einsichtsdialog
With Ayya Anopama and Irene Bumbacher
In diesem Retreat werden wir erforschen, wie wir durch die Kraft der stillen Meditation und die Praxis des Einsichtsdialogs, des tiefen Zuhörens und des Sprechens aus der Stille, in uns selbst und mit anderen präsent sein können. In der bedingungslosen Akzeptanz unserer inneren Erfahrung und in der Beziehung zu anderen öffnet sich die Tür zu […]