Nicola Redfern

Nicola Redfern has an extensive background in both Zen and Vipassana meditation. She has been trained to teach Insight Dialogue by founding teacher Gregory Kramer. With a strong belief that awakening is not simply a solo endeavor, Nicola is particularly interested in getting meditation off the cushion and fully integrated into life, work, and relationships. She has also taught Nonviolent Communication and co-teaches courses on unlearning racism. Nicola lives in Santa Fe, NM.


Upcoming Programs by Nicola Redfern

12th Annual Cascadia Insight Dialogue Retreat

Also With Mary Burns and Nobantu Mpotulo

May 7 - 15, 2024

The fires of the world have been very hot. There is injustice, climate crisis, and the degradation of dignity and truth. How do we find refuge in the Dhamma while remaining fully in relationship with the world and its pain? What are our sources of joy, inspiration, and resilience at this point? Insight Dialogue is […]