Jaylene Summers

Jaylene Summers has practiced Insight Dialogue since 2008, studying with Gregory Kramer, Jan Surrey, Mary Burns and Phyllis Hicks. In 2009 she met Mu Soeng who continues to be her teacher. Others include Bhikkhu Analayo and Joseph Goldstein. During her professional life as a clinical psychologist, she met Baba Ram Dass which was a spiritual turning point and later turned to Vipassana, Theravada Dhamma practice and study. As an active member of the Unitarian Universalist church, she has led groups, talks and practices on ‘Embracing Aging’, ‘Awakening Racial Awareness’, ‘Climate Change’ and ‘Insight Dialogue’.

Her experience with Insight Dialogue touched her heart-mind like a lightning bolt; she came home, landing on just the Right Path. Her aspiration is to do no harm, offering kindness and compassion to every being on this fleeting relational journey.

Please join her for the monthly RiverRun Insight Dialogue practice.



Upcoming Programs by Jaylene Summers

Saturday (First) Monthly Practice Group, RiverRun Insight Dialogue

Open Dates
The group meets on the first Saturday of each month from 10:30 am-12 pm Eastern time monthly. Jaylene Summers co-facilitates with another Insight Dialogue practitioner.