Janet Surrey
Janet Surrey teaches Insight Dialogue retreats internationally and leads a monthly practice group in the Boston area. Jan serves on the Insight Dialogue Community Teachers’ Council and the coordinating team for the Insight Dialogue Teaching Community. She has worked with Gregory Kramer since 2007. Her original teacher was Vimala Thakar. Jan has also done many retreats with Thich Nhat Hanh and Joanna Macy and completed the Community Dharma Leader training at Spirit Rock in 2008. Jan is a practicing clinical psychologist and is a faculty and board member of the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy in Boston, MA. She and other facilitators hold a monthly practice group called Insight Dialogue Northeast.
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Category: Retreat Teacher
Upcoming Programs by Janet Surrey

Thursday, third: Dharma Contemplation
Also With Marsha Lawson
Jan Surrey and Marsha Lawson offer a Dharma Contemplation relational practice on third Thursdays from 7:15 - 8:45 pm Americas Eastern Time (Boston). The practice of Dharma Contemplation provides would-be readers of the Buddhist suttas with an accessible doorway into this rich vein of wisdom through relational practice with these wisdom texts. For more information […]