Gregory Kramer

Gregory Kramer is the Founding Teacher of the Insight Dialogue Community and has been teaching insight meditation since 1980. He developed the practice of Insight Dialogue and has been teaching it since 1995, offering retreats in North America, Asia, Europe, and Australia. He has studied with esteemed teachers, including Anagarika Dhammadina, Ven. Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Mahanayaka Thero, Achan Sobin Namto, and Ven. Punnaji Maha Thero. Gregory is the author of A Whole Life Path: A Layperson’s Guide to a Dhamma-infused Life (Insight Dialogue Community); Insight Dialogue: The Interpersonal Path to Freedom (Shambhala); Seeding the Heart: Practicing Lovingkindness with Children; Meditating Together, Speaking from Silence: The Practice of Insight Dialogue; and Dharma Contemplation: Meditating Together with Wisdom Texts. For additional information about Gregory’s teachings, please visit his website.

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Upcoming Programs by Gregory Kramer

Insight Dialogue y Dhamma relacional/ Insight Dialogue and Relational Dhamma

April 19, 2025

Los seres humanos somos criaturas profundamente relacionales. Evolucionamos de esa manera. Cuando llevamos esta comprensión a las enseñanzas de Buda, somos ricamente recompensados. Aplicando la sabiduría sobre el sufrimiento y la libertad a nuestras relaciones, descubrimos un camino que es a la vez totalmente individual y totalmente relacional. Sufrimiento individual y sufrimiento en las relaciones. […]

Peaceful group meditation during the Cascadia Insight Dialogue Retreat focused on mindfulness and relational meditation.

Cascadia Insight Dialogue Retreat

Also With Mary Burns, Nicola Redfern and Sandra Ramos Amézquita

May 5 - 11, 2025

Releasing the Views that Bind Us The Cascadia Insight Dialogue Retreat offers a rare opportunity to explore a range of different approaches to finding freedom, using the Insight Dialogue meditation practice to draw together wisdom from both the Insight and Zen traditions. We will explore one of the key obstacles to finding freedom: the ways […]