Dave Leggatt
Dave Leggatt practiced in the Vipassana tradition for many years. He was introduced to Insight Dialogue in 2011 and joined the Insight Dialogue facilitator program in 2016. Since then Dave has been facilitating and teaching in-person workshops, retreats and online offerings. Aware of the importance of spiritual friendship and the power of Insight Dialogue practiced in daily life, he enjoys expanding the boundaries of practice for himself and others. He founded the annual Kalyanamittata retreat and offers practice in the global Insight Dialogue community. He is active on a number of community teams. Dave lives in Toronto, Canada.
Category: Teacher
Upcoming Programs by Dave Leggatt
Thursday Weekly Drop-in Sessions
Also With Angela Spaxman and Genevieve Heng
assisted by Qingqing Wang, Gen Heng, and Angela Spaxman. Drop-in sessions are Thursdays from 7:00-8:30 pm ET. Drop-in sessions are open to anyone with some experience in a contemplative practice and familiarity with Insight Dialogue through reading or practice. You may join once or every week; it's up to you.
Sunday Weekly Drop-in Sessions
Drop-in sessions are Sundays from 10:30 am-12:00 pm Americas Eastern Time. Drop-in sessions are open to anyone with some experience in a contemplative practice and familiarity with Insight Dialogue through reading or practice. You may join once or every week; it's up to you.