Fundraiser For Our Teacher Community

Join us to support our Teacher Community

Meet the smiles of your Teachers, Trainees, and Teacher-Aspirants. Photo from the 2014 Teacher Training Retreat.
Meet the smiles of our Teachers, Trainees, and Teacher-Aspirants. Photo from the 2014 Teacher Training Retreat.

Members of our teaching community travel around the globe leading retreats, talks, online programs, and ongoing practice communities. They offer the teachings freely and are sustained by the generosity of the individuals and communities they serve. Beyond their time spent teaching, planning, studying, and traveling for these offerings, they come together once a year to nourish their own development, study, and practice within a community of peers.

2015 TT Fundraiser LogoThis year we invite you to offer direct financial support to our teaching community by contributing to the room, board, and program costs of their annual retreat. Our goal is to raise $7,640. This, in addition to Metta Programs’ commitment, will allow ALL members to attend without having to pay out-of-pocket for retreat fees. To ensure sufficient planning time for the teachers, we intend to raise these funds by April 30th, 2015.

To join us, please go to to pledge your support and contribution.

Please feel welcome to contact us for further details by emailing