Fond Farewell to Rachel Hien

It is with mixed emotions that we announce the departure of Rachel Hien, Metta Programs’ Operations Manager who shared her last day with the organization on September 26th. Rachel has moved on to a new position at PATH, a Seattle-based international non-profit organization dedicated to global health where she will be engaging partners in Africa to expand innovations that benefit women’s reproductive health.

When Rachel came to Metta Programs in 2011, we almost did not exist as an organization. With her skill, hard work and patience, the organization grew to having a budget, a sophisticated website, operating procedures, and clearer relationships with our partners. The list of her accomplishments is huge. Thanks to Rachel, our teachers’ community is able to grow and the organization has been pulled towards firm ground to support our programs, our relationships, and our aspirations. Rachel’s strength, clear directedness and nurturance toward cohesion have prepared the groundwork for the emergence of the wider leadership role taken by the Guiding Sangha and have made possible further steps to fulfill our mission in creating a home for the teachings of Relational Dhamma.

In addition to the valuable work Rachel has contributed to Metta Programs over the past three and a half years, we have benefited even more from her kind heart, care and friendship. We offer our deep gratitude to Rachel for all she has given to the Metta community. We are excited for her to be moving into a job that can fully engage her many skills, deep compassion and commitment to do good in the world. We feel joy for all the people in the world, including ourselves, who will no doubt benefit from the work Rachel embarks upon.

At a Skype celebration held for Rachel on September 25th, community members had a chance to gather and express to Rachel our appreciation of her and her professional contributions to the organization, to celebrate her new opportunity and to wish her well. On behalf of the Metta Programs community, we presented Rachel with a pashmina shawl given from a Metta community member’s shop and we invite members of the Metta community who feel moved to join us in honoring Rachel with a tribute gift to her new work efforts in global health at PATH Tribute gift. (Write Rachel Hien for the honoree’s name and they have been given her address to notify her.)